
Why the Sustainable Fashion Questions You Ask Stop You From Taking Action

“What if I can’t afford sustainable brands?” “What if there aren’t enough options for me?” “If I stop buying, won’t the workers lose their jobs?”

I often hear these… But if you are still telling yourself this, you are not asking the right questions.

The way you frame your problem is important because it sets your answer. If you start off negative, your mind is already set to think negatively for a hopeless solution.

What easy things can I do to live/dress more sustainably?” “What do I absolutely need (**not want) and what are the sustainable alternatives?” “What brands out there empower their workers and offer fair (**not minimum – big difference) wages?”

These are the types of questions you should be asking – questions that are open to different possibilities and answers.

To get your answers, it’s as simple as doing a web search. If you were searching for a particular something that you needed, wouldn’t you look for the best option?

You’ll find many answers from the many dedicated sites, blogs, apps out there. One of my favorite is Eco-Age. Another one is the Good on You app, which is very insightful. It lists brands that rate well or poorly, and why they do. You can also easily search by clothing category.

It is important to understand that we are no longer restricted by geographical limitations. Information is widely available and for those who have access, we should know and do better…

While this marks the near end of fashion revolution week, this should not end your own revolution against fast fashion brands or any products that do not go beyond the single profit bottom line.

Fashion Revolution Week serves as a reminder as to why sustainable fashion is important and why your consumer choices matter.

If others can do it, why can’t you? There are tons of people embracing sustainable fashion and there is definitely someone who used to be in the same position as you, someone who used to ask the same wrong questions.

Remember: you do have an impact. Demand transparency. And demand brands to do better because you expect better! It’s time to ask #WhoMadeMyClothes?

If you want to know when I put up a new post, follow me on instagram @eversoslow! 🙂

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