Inspiring Conscious Living Sustainability Podcast
Fashion,  Lifestyle

6 Must-Listen Sustainability Podcasts

1. A Sustainable Mind

This first must-listen sustainability podcast is one of my all time favorites. The founder, Marjorie Alexander, digs deep into the minds of influential entrepreneurs and experts. They share their own journey to becoming a champion of sustainability within their fields. Moreover, you will learn about each interviewees sustainable habits and mindset, and the challenges they faced.

Favorite Episode: #40 – Sustainable Investing, an emerging movement in finance that will shake up the global business model.

2. Sustainability Defined

Secondly, this sustainability podcast is an educational and enjoyable one. Jay Siegel and Scott Breen are the hosts and creators. As they discuss environmental topics, both engage in humorous and light-hearted banter. Each monthly episode features an expert sharing sustainability’s role in their industry. For example, I was surprised to find that beer making (episode 16) and aviation (episode 29) can also be sustainable!

3. Trash Talking with Eco-warriors

Finally, this must-listen podcast shares inspiring stories of women working in green business and conservation. While listening to this podcast, I realized that tackling these sustainable issues calls for more women to come on board. We need to bring a touch of compassion and creativity. Additionally, women are huge consumers. Therefore, many industries and products affecting women can be tweaked to be more sustainable. For instance, episode 37 talks about a non-plastic, flushable pregnancy test.
In short, it is inspiring to hear fearless and outspoken women talking about their social and environmental goals. Hopefully, sustainability can provide an opportunity for everyone to join forces to face the challenges that affect us all.


4. Conscious Chatter

This podcast enables conversations about our clothes and uncovers the stories connected to what we wear. It focuses on the garment industry and the impact we have on the planet based on our consumption choices.

Favorite Episode: #181 – Elizabeth Cline + The Conscious Closet, where she discusses her book, the shift in the fashion industry, the global secondhand market, and fun ways to build your own conscious closet.

5. Wardrobe Crisis

If you know Clare Press and her book Wardrobe Crisis then you are probably familiar with her podcast. Each week, she interviews key industry leaders, from climate scientists, change-makers, academics, activists, to emerging designers, creatives, and fashion insiders. They discuss fashion, ethics, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Favorite Episode: #115 – How COVID-19 is Impacting Garment Workers, featuring Remake’s Ayesha Barenblat and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and denim factory owner Mostafiz Uddin.

6. Business of Fashion

Business of Fashion (BoF) is a great resource for everything fashion. While the main focus doesn’t necessarily pertain to sustainability, it includes interviews with sustainable fashion-leaders and touches upon hot topics like garment worker rights and consumption. The podcast provides insights into the fashion industry as a whole.

Favorite Episode: Special Edition – Li Edelkoort Says the Coronavirus Is a Representation of our Conscience, where this Dutch trend forecaster shares her thoughts on how this virus will change the way we produce, dress, and consume post-COVID-19.

If you listen to other podcasts about sustainability in any industry, please share in the comments below. We would love to learn more!

Lei @theminimalspin & Shanice @eversoslow

**If you prefer reading, check out this booklist about the fashion industry and conscious living.
**If you prefer watching, there is also a list of inspiring and informative videos here.

Last update: May 2020

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